I do what I like and you should too.

Stefano Mosconi
2 min readOct 12, 2017


Doing what your truly like should be put before doing what brings you the most money.

Becoming rich doing something you at best manage to barely bear is absolutely pointless because at the end of the day (and of your life) money disappears and happiness you can’t buy.

If you do what you truly really like, that something, at some point, will pay back. Even if it takes ages, even if there will be dark times, a lot, even if people will not understand you.

Do I have proof? No.

Do I believe this deep in my heart? Yes.

And that’s enough for me, I totally understand if it ain’t enough for you.

Am I rich? Yes. But not with so much money. I am rich of experiences, connections, stories, knowledge and love.

That is a kind of richness even the richest people crave.

Am I happy? Damn yes.

Do I know what I will do tomorrow? No, but I will be there giving it my best shot (ok this I borrowed from Hansel in Zoolander ). And if I won’t succeed (and many times I won’t), I’ll give my best the day after and the one after and the one after.

Because that’s the only way I know how to work and to exist.

Will there be obstacles? Damn yes, and I don’t know how will I go over (or around) them.

But that doesn’t scare me, it actually pushes me to be more prepared, to study more, to learn more.

Obstacles are not there to stop us. They are there to test us.

Don’t waste your time doing something you don’t like. Try new stuff, throw yourself into situations, meet new people, read new books, travel. But stop wasting your time for someone else’s pleasure.

A message from the sponsor: I am an entrepreneur and speaker. I tap into my experiences talking about entrepreneurship, startups, life-hacking, leadership and company culture. I love to explore the intersection between technology and humans. And feel free to connect with me on Linkedin .

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Stefano Mosconi

Leadership and innovation coach | Geek | Dad | Cook | I write about leadership, software, technology, life at large — https://britemind.io